The PowerCart


Key Facts

  • Self-Propelled Cart travelling 37 fpm
  • Class 1, Div. 1 Explosion Proof
  • Small Factory Footprint
  • CartWatch can Monitor and Data-Log
  • Table-top spins 360 Degrees
  • Easy Integration with Spray Robots
  • 12v AGM Battery Charged In-Line

Watch and Learn

The PowerCart is a 12V, self-propelled cart that can process through a facility based on a user-selected program. It charges in-line along a 3/4" high ABS-plastic or metal guide track. There are no hazardous chains or rails that can cut off areas of a facility, and forklifts can safely cross the track. The PowerCart can be manually stopped anywhere on the line for as long as needed to to properly complete a task and then be released.

PowerCarts are rated Class 1, Division 1 Explosion-Proof operate at 37 feet per minute to quickly and safely deliver product down the line. Multiple paths such as bypasses or loops can be taken via Track Switches, which helps reduce floor area requirements on high labor tasks. A 2 lbs.Pressure Sensitive Touch Bumper stops the PowerCart upon contact, which makes them very safe compared to a chain-driven system. A cart will also stop if the table-top is moved out of position, and will wait for the Table-Top to be realigned. The Table-Top can rotate 360 degrees to allow painters easy access to all sides of a product. The carts can communicate with HalCon Tunnels and Robot Spray Cells. This communication, coupled with their ability to stop anywhere for a programmed amount of time, makes the PowerCart ideal for Factory Automation. With CartWatch Prime Heat offers Monitoring and Data-Logging that gives you immediate updates on your system's production rate, problems that we detect and program changes that you may need.